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A good idea

We have all been there. Perhaps while watching the sun set. Perhaps after a glass of wine (or two). Perhaps in a brain storming session. Yes, we have come up with that brilliant idea. The idea of something which is revolutionary, something which has not been done before. Something that will change everything.

We start playing around with it. Perhaps we even write some code, perhaps we design the shape and look in our mind. Heck we even start playing with the numbers, looking at how much money this will make, how this could be become such an great company, how we will solve everyones problems.

An idea is just that however, an idea.

The complexity of the human mind is funny. People have different emotions, different interests, some see opportunities, some only see challenges. In the business world it is always nice to hear about great ideas. Customers will happily meet vendor after vendor to listen to new opportunities. They are presented with exciting new propositions, fancy slides and presentations, maybe even some nice graphics or a prototype solution. In a highly competitive world across most industries, the customer will however always sit and think one thing while listening to your idea. "How is this going to help me, how will it help my business".

An idea should be innovative, it should be thought through, it should be exciting. But most of all, it has to do something for the customer. It has to solve a problem. That problem is most often reducing costs,  reducing complexity or bringing additional revenue for the customer.

Everything starts with the idea, but where do you go from there? Many spend a huge amount of time and money executing on their idea, however it turns out at the end of the day that, perhaps it is an exciting idea but the market does not see the value of it. Without a market the idea will only remain an idea.

Companies fail for a multitude of reasons, the first thing to make sure for startups however is to have a market for your idea, a market which is willing to pay and invest in your proposition. A market which is not flooded by other vendors offering similar solutions thus giving you a chance to make your business profitable and allow it to grow.

Take good care of your ideas, follow your vision, but make sure you ask yourself the right question. Is it a good idea both for you and your customer?


Olav Tjelflaat