Mission Statement

"At Elicio we offer a range of services to help maximise the probability of success for innovative technology companies both in the startup and established phase of the business lifecycle. Our objective is to support companies to drive growth, job creation and increased value by providing a strategy enablement platform for our customers. We also want to galvanise the introduction of new technologies that can make a net positive contribution to society and help address global challenges such as climate change "

 Around 90% of startup companies fail. The main reasons are considered to be:

  • A lack of market

  • A flawed business model

  • Poor management

  • A lack of access to cash

  • Product problems

(Forbes and Fortune magazine)


Elicio’s expertise lies in understanding the pitfalls of introducing a new concept, service or product to market and determining the best ways to establish and grow a company in a structured manner. Some of the key areas where we contribute are:

  • We help you develop a company strategy and business plan

  • We help you review your services and products and ensure correct positioning of these to the market and your customers

  • We help you with pricing, go to market and commercial strategies

  • We help you structure an efficient organisation to align with your needs, growth plan and objectives

  • We provide continuity in our support and service during your growth